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About is a community website for Delano, Minnesota.

This website features local news, a business directory, sports, organizations and more to help local residents and visitors find Delano information, places of interest, things to do and more.

  • We welcome feedback or content suggestions

This website was developed and is maintained by Five Technology in Delano, MN as a public resource and tool for the local area.  News and information appearing on the site is from 3rd party sources and often links to their websites. isn’t a media, news or reporting organization, but a website that gathers and displays Delano information from other sources.

Business Directory

This website features a Delano business directory with categories and basic listings of  business name, address and phone number.  Each directory page features links to add or correct a business listing.

Business Owners: We do offer a FREE basic listing of your business. You can submit your business if not listed or correct your listing. also offers PLUS business listings with more information and photos.

Privacy respects your privacy and will not share your email address with ANY other business when you sign up to receive our news updates or you enter any promotion.